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💥⚔️Alabama Riverboat Brawl Full Fight Video: Meaning Of Black Aquaman and White Folding Chair Meme as It Goes Viral On Twitter, Reddit

In the latest turn of events, a fighting video near an Alabama riverboat has gone viral over the internet. The incident happened on 5th August and a passerby recorded the whole fight on their phone.

Apparently, in the video, two men can be seen getting into a heated argument with a riverboat employee near Montgomery Riverfront Park. The discussion became so heated that police had to intervene to stop the altercation. 

According to eyewitnesses, a woman at the Alabama riverboat stated that a black security guard got jumped by two white people.

One of the eyewitnesses said- “I hate when people jump others most of the time, and even more so when you want to fight or jump someone for performing their job. I thank everyone who assisted that man.”

Watch a video of a white folding chair meme as Alabama riverboat Brawl full fight video goes viral on Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram

The Montgomery Police Department even released a statement saying many people have been arrested and jailed. They are also opening an investigation to find out what happened. 

WATCH: Meaning Of Black Aquaman and White Folding Chair Meme as Alabama Riverboat Brawl Full Fight Video Goes Viral On Twitter, Reddit

Montgomery Mayor Steven L. Reed said in the official statement that police “acted swiftly to detain several reckless individuals for attacking a man who was doing his job.” Justice will be carried out, and warrants have been signed.

“This was an unfortunate incident that never should have happened,” Reed continued. “We should not become used to the violence of any kind in our neighborhood as our police agency looks into these disgusting acts. Our criminal justice system will hold those responsible who decide to use violence.”

Also Read: WATCH: Avril Urquia viral scandal sparks outrage on Twitter, Reddit

The Folding Chair – The Latest Meme On Social Media Platforms

In the meantime, you can see in the Alabama Riverboat video that people used folded chairs to beat and crush other people and later tossed them into the water.

This caused the birth of a new meme that looks more like a WWE fight.


What happened in the Alabama riverboat fight incident?

On August 5th, a video of a heated altercation between two men and a riverboat employee near Montgomery Riverfront Park went viral. The argument escalated, leading to police intervention. Eyewitnesses claimed that a black security guard was attacked by two white individuals.

What is the significance of the white folding chair meme in this incident?

In the video, people can be seen using folded chairs as weapons during the fight, later throwing them into the water. This element has sparked the creation of a meme involving white folding chairs on social media platforms

Were there any arrests made in connection with the incident?

The Montgomery Police Department announced that several individuals were arrested and jailed in connection with the incident. An investigation is underway to determine the details of what transpired.

What was the response from local authorities and officials?

Montgomery Mayor Steven L. Reed issued an official statement expressing his concern over the incident. He emphasized that the violence should not be tolerated and assured that those responsible for the acts of violence will be held accountable through the criminal justice system.

Priyadarshi Shastri

Priyadarshi Shastri, a seasoned writer with 5 years of experience, holds a degree in PR from Amity University. An authoritative voice in Entertainment, Lifestyle, and Trending News, his trustworthy insights captivate audiences worldwide.

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