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Subhadra Yojana Odisha Online Apply 2024: Eligibility Criteria, Documents Requirement, Objective, and All You To Know

In their manifesto, the new government of Odisha, the Bhartiya Janata Party, launched a new scheme in the state, Subhadra Yojana. This announcement came sometime after the elections in Odisha state.

Under the Subhadra Yojana, the government will offer financial assistance of INR 50,000 to all female citizens in the state.

The Subhadra Yojana aims to make the female citizens in the state financially independent so that they do not have to beg before others for their daily expenses.

Beneficiaries who are interested in availing of the scheme can visit the official website and apply using the online form.

Notably, the Subhadra Yojana was considered among the most successful yojanas for female citizens in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.

The objective of Subhadra Yojana

The primary objective of rolling out the Subhadra Yojana is to offer monetary and financial benefits to the female citizens in Odisha state who are financially unstable.

With the help of this financial aid, the standard of living and the social status of the female citizens in the state can improve.

Under this scheme, the BJP party has announced offering a cash voucher of INR 50,000. The applicants, or the female citizens can encash the cash vouchers. This can be done for two years. Furthermore, female citizens can also use the money to help their families.

All the married female citizens residing in the state are eligible to avail of the benefits under the Subhadra Yojana.

Financial Assistance Under Subhadra Yojana

A financial assistance of INR 50,000 will be offered to every applicant who is selected under the Yojana.

Eligibility Criteria

The following are the eligibility criteria required to be met for the scheme.

  1. The applicant must be a permanent resident of the Odisha state.
  2. Only female citizens are eligible.
  3. A female citizen should be married.
  4. Only one beneficiary will be eligible from each family.
  5. Single women do not come under the eligibility criteria.
  6. Women should be between the age group of 23 to 59.
  7. Female government employees are not eligible to apply.
  8. Only one woman from one family is eligible to benefit from the scheme.
  9. Anganwadi workers will also benefit from this scheme.

Required Documents for Applying to the Scheme

The following are the required documents which are needed to apply for Subhadra Yojana.

  1. Passport Size Photo
  2. PAN Card
  3. Address Proof
  4. Electricity bill
  5. Mobile Number
  6. Email ID
  7. Aadhar Card

Subhadra Yojana Online Apply 2024

Notably, the official website where the eligible candidates can apply for the website hasn’t been notified by the government yet. The yojana has been announced recently, thus complete information is not available at the moment.

  1. The eligible applicants are required to visit the official website to apply for Subhadra Yojana.
  2. When you land at the homepage, try to search for the “Apply Online” option and click on it.
  3. You will be directed to a new page on the desktop screen.
  4. The applicant is required to enter all the details that are asked on the application form.
  5. Enter the details asked, like DOB, name, address, etc.
  6. Upload all the required and relevant documents asked.
  7. Cross-check all the details, whether they are correctly filled in or not.
  8. Submit the application form. Congratulations, you have successfully applied for the scheme.

Also Read:

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Who is eligible for Subhadra Yojana?

Eligibility includes being a permanent resident of Odisha, a married female citizen, aged between 23 to 59 years, and not a government employee. Only one woman from each family can apply, and Anganwadi workers are also eligible.

How can one apply for Subhadra Yojana?

Eligible candidates can apply online by visiting the official website (once notified), searching for the “Apply Online” option, filling out the application form, uploading necessary documents, and submitting the form.

Can single women apply for Subhadra Yojana?

No, single women are not eligible for this scheme; it is only open to married female citizens.

Are female government employees eligible for Subhadra Yojana?

No, female government employees are not eligible to apply for this scheme.

Subhashree Panda

Subhashree Panda: A proficient content writer, editor, and researcher. With 4 years of experience and an MBA in finance, she crafts compelling narratives on global events. Her passion for diverse journalism genres resonates widely, fostering broad audience connections.

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