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Retired senior officers of Uttar Pradesh supported the farmers

Former senior officials of Uttar Pradesh have announced support for the farmers' movement struggling against three new agricultural laws. Former Indian Administrative Service officer Vijay Shankar Pandey

Former senior officials of Uttar Pradesh have announced support for the farmers’ movement struggling against three new agricultural laws. Former Indian Administrative Service officer Vijay Shankar Pandey said that a meeting of former senior officials of Uttar Pradesh and prominent persons of various fields was held in the past, and called upon the farmers to continue their struggle to repeal the three agricultural laws. And pressurize to ensure the availability of the minimum support price (MSP) for your produce.

He informed that the meeting announced the support of Sardar V.M. Singh’s Uttar Pradesh Kisan Mazdoor Morcha, consisting of the National Farmers ‘Workers’ Organization and some other farmer organizations. Pandey said that to help ensure minimum support prices to the farmers, former civil servants and other key persons would be deputed as supervisors by dividing the districts into clusters. These former officers will hold talks with the district magistrates and other officials to eliminate middlemen.

He said that these former officers will interact with various farmer organizations and bodies and will visit the districts from March 15, take stock of the situation in the villages and talk to the district administration for the sale of produce. Meanwhile, VM Singh thanked the retired senior officers for their support and said that their agitation against the new agricultural laws has not ended but its form has changed.

Singh said that now in every village five-five farmers will go on hunger strike against these laws. Apart from this, with the participation of the people, every week the community will be united by anchoring in the village. He said that after the violence during the tractor parade in the capital Delhi on 26 January last, he had decided to step down from the ongoing farmers’ movement at that time, but he remained on his purpose.

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