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Prakash Hinduja Net Worth 2024: How Much is the Businessman Worth?

Who is Prakash Hinduja?

Prakash Hinduja is a name synonymous with the elite echelons of global business. A member of the illustrious Hinduja family, Prakash has carved out a niche for himself in the world of business and finance. Born into a family that seems to have the Midas touch, Prakash is not just a wealthy businessman; he is part of a dynasty that has significant clout across multiple industries worldwide.

Prakash Hinduja Career

Prakash Hinduja’s career is nothing short of spectacular. With a strong foundation laid by his father, Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja, Prakash has continued to elevate the family’s business ventures to new heights. The Hinduja Group, which he helps manage, is a global conglomerate with interests spanning from automotive to finance, healthcare to IT, and more. Think of the Hinduja Group as the Swiss Army knife of the business world—versatile and indispensable.

The Hinduja family first dipped their toes into the business waters in Iran in 1919, moving their headquarters to Europe in 1979. Prakash, along with his siblings, has played a pivotal role in diversifying and expanding the group’s interests over the decades. Whether it’s acquiring Ashok Leyland or Gulf Oil, the Hinduja family’s business moves are akin to high-stakes chess—strategic and impactful.

Prakash Hinduja Net Worth

Drumroll, please! As of 2024, Prakash Hinduja’s net worth is a staggering £37 billion. Yes, you read that right—thirty-seven billion pounds! This impressive fortune makes him a part of Britain’s wealthiest family. It’s the kind of money that could make even Scrooge McDuck’s eyes twinkle. According to the Sunday Times Rich List, the Hinduja family is not just swimming in money; they are doing synchronized swimming routines in it.

Prakash Hinduja Age

Now, let’s talk about the man behind the billions. Prakash Hinduja was born on January 29, 1940, which makes him 84 years young in 2024. At an age when many are content to potter around the garden or take long naps, Prakash is still very much in the game, steering the family’s business empire with a steady hand. It’s safe to say that the secret to his longevity isn’t just good genes but also an undying passion for business.

Prakash Hinduja Family: Wife and Children

Behind every successful man is a woman rolling her eyes. In Prakash’s case, that woman is Kamal Hinduja, his wife. The couple shares a robust partnership, both personally and professionally. Together, they have navigated the choppy waters of business and life, supporting each other through thick and thin.

Prakash and Kamal have one son, Ajay, who along with his wife Namrata, has also been drawn into the family business. However, it seems the family that stays together also faces court sentences together. Both couples were recently handed jail sentences by a Swiss court for exploiting their Indian staff. They were found guilty of offenses that, while less severe than human trafficking, were still serious enough to warrant time behind bars. So, if you’re looking for a family that does everything together, from business deals to court appeals, the Hindujas fit the bill.

Prakash Hinduja Height and Weight

As for his height and weight, Prakash Hinduja is not exactly towering over his business empire in the literal sense. He stands at a respectable 5 feet 9 inches and maintains a healthy weight of around 70 kilograms. It’s evident that he believes in a balanced lifestyle—both in business and in health.

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Vishnu Chaudhary

Over the last 4 years, Vishnu has consistently demonstrated his commitment to writing articles and news pieces. His dedication to the craft is apparent in his continuous contributions, reflecting a passion for delivering informative and engaging content.

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