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Partition Horrors Remembrance Day 2023: Messages, Slogans, Banners, Drawings, Images, Posters, and Captions

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day‘ or ‘Vibhajan Vibhishika Smriti Diwas’ is a day on August 14 when we think about and remember all the people who died because of the partition. India is getting ready to mark its 77th year of being independent on Tuesday. Plans are in motion, like ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ rallies, where people will carry flags. Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants everyone to change their social media pictures, post selfies with the three-colored flag, and do things that show we’re all together and united in the country.

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day 2023: Observarance Throughout The Nation

Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that we would commemorate Partition Horrors Remembrance Day on August 14 of each year starting in 2021. This is being done to ensure that we never forget the struggles and sacrifices that Indians had to undertake during the 1947 partition. “Partitions pains can never be forgotten. Millions of our sisters and brothers were displaced and many lost their lives due to mindless hate and violence.” is what Narendra Modi said on August 14th, 2022, about the special day.

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day 2023: History and Significance

We shall commemorate August 14 as a day to reflect on the awful events that occurred during the partition in order to recall the difficult times our people went through. May this day serve as a constant reminder to put an end to prejudice against other groups, to cooperate, and to strengthen and empower everyone. The Delhi Metro created an exhibit in 2022 that featured images of the destroyed structures in Lahore and Amritsar as a way of honoring Partition Horrors Remembrance Day. The University Grants Commission requested that all colleges and universities organize events on Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in the same year. In order to illustrate the anguish and suffering endured by the millions of individuals who experienced the division, the University of Kashmir organized a photo exhibition.

Mark this Partition Horrors Remembrance Day 2023 using these best banners, slogans, messages, captions, images, drawings, and posters-

Best Partition Horrors Remembrance Day 2023: Messages, Slogans, and Banners

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day

“it was too loud for hope
it was too silent for victory.”
― Sneha Subramanian Kanta

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day 2023

“1947, a found poem,
full of erasures in history
of India and Pakistan.”
― Sneha Subramanian Kanta

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day Images

“A civil war was looming. Or partition. Partition was in their hands, civil war wasn’t. Once it started, when and how would it end? How many would lose their lives? The Hindus were in a majority and might win, but at what price? Could they afford another Mahabharat?”
― Manreet Sodhi Someshwar

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day Quotes

“Say mercy is another name
for water. Say water is another

name for escape, or unclenched fist.
After violence, an embrace of singing.”
― Sneha Subramanian Kanta

Drawings, Images, Posters, and Captions

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day Greetings

“The partition of a home or state in whatever context may remain harmonious and friendly in a beautiful and sweet relationship if people’s hearts do not stay partitioned.”
― Ehsan Sehgal

Shreshtha Banerjee

Shreshtha Banerjee: With 3 years in writing and collaborations with 5+ news platforms, Shreshtha, a BA in English graduate, is a trusted name. She masterfully covers Entertainment, Health, and Viral Events, showcasing expertise that resonates with a wide and discerning audience.

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