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Manushi’s prep for ‘Operation Valentine’ had her 'go deep' to understand Air Force

In her upcoming film ‘Operation Valentine,’ actress Manushi Chhillar opens up about her preparation to play a radar officer, emphasizing the guidance she received from the Indian Air Force team on set. The film, produced by Sony Pictures International Productions, is set to release on March 1 in Telugu and Hindi.

Manushi shared, “My prep for Operation Valentine included a lot of basics just to simply understand the structure of the Air Force… body language, the tonality of your voice and how to give a certain command.” She credited the presence of an Air Force member on set for providing valuable guidance whenever needed during the shoot.

The actress highlighted that her preparation went beyond just portraying a radar officer, delving into the workings of the Air Force. She mentioned learning about terms like evacuation and different types of planes, which she found to be a completely new world despite having some knowledge as a DRDO kid.

‘Operation Valentine’ is a patriotic film backed by Sony Pictures International Productions, Renaissance Pictures, and God Bless Entertainment. Directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, the film is set for a Telugu and Hindi release on March 1. Manushi Chhillar made her debut in 2022 and has immersed herself in the role of a radar officer for this project.


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