
Home Remedy of the Week: How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help Treat Dandruff And Itchy Scalp (Watch Video)

Itching brought on by dandruff is irritating and doesn’t let a person think about a specific process. The white flakes which fall on shirt collars and shoulders on account of dandruff additionally look fairly disagreeable. With a purpose to keep away from dandruff and itchy scalp, we spend heaps of cash on differing types of shampoos obtainable in the market. As a substitute of that, we should always select an efficient dwelling treatment to beat back this downside. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) may also help deal with dandruff and here is how we should always use it to get efficient outcome. Home Remedy of the Week: How to Get Rid of Dandruff with Lemon Juice.

Apple cider vinegar is ready by fermenting sugar from apples which in flip converts them into acetic acid. This liquid can stability the pH of the scalp and in addition scale back fungal development on hair. Apple cider vinegar helps take away product build-up which can be one of the causes for dandruff. ACV can be a disinfectant which may kill micro organism which will result in scalp issues. Home Remedy of the Week: How Egg Yolk Can Help Treat Itchy Scalp and Preserve Dandruff at Bay (Watch Video)

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Dandruff

Anecdotal proof means that apple cider vinegar aids hair development and reduces itchy scalp downside. ACV stimulates the shedding of lifeless pores and skin cells from the scalp. The antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties of apple cider vinegar may also help keep the well being of the scalp and scale back dandruff. The presence of micronutrients like calcium, magnesium and potassium contributes to a wholesome scalp.

Treat Dandruff Utilizing Apple Cider Vinegar

Whereas making use of apple cider vinegar in your scalp, all the time keep in mind to dilute its acidic property by mixing it in plain room temperature water. Use this treatment twice or thrice in every week for an excellent outcome. It should even be famous that for avoiding dandruff and to take care of a clear scalp, it’s essential to maintain your hair clear and in addition keep away from it from holding it moist for a very long time, particularly, throughout monsoon when you will need to forestall your hair from getting drenched in rainwater.

(This text is written for an informative goal and shouldn’t be substituted for medical recommendation. Kindly seek the advice of your physician earlier than making an attempt any suggestions.)

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