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India News

Gujarat Government Extends September 30 Deadline for 100% Penalty Waiver in Older Housing Board Schemes

In a move set to bring relief to thousands, the Gujarat government has extended the 100 per cent penalty waiver until September 30 in the old schemes of the Gujarat Housing Board and Slum Clearance Cell. Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel’s decision is aimed at assisting around 61,310 families who have struggled to meet their installment obligations.

The new policy introduced by the government will reduce the interest on remaining penalties for those who have fallen behind in their payments. This initiative is expected to provide much-needed support to the beneficiaries who may have faced financial difficulties.

Furthermore, the scheme allows homeowners to clear their debts and obtain their property ownership documents, providing them with a secure future. This move by the Gujarat government showcases their commitment to helping residents in need during these challenging times.

The extension of the Chief Minister’s Incentive Compensation Scheme highlights the government’s dedication to providing assistance and relief to families in Gujarat. This decision is a step towards ensuring that individuals facing financial hardships are supported and given the necessary resources to overcome their challenges.


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