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Coca-Cola Heir Alki David Ordered to Pay Record $900 Million in Sexual Assault Case

Coca-Cola heir Alki David has been slapped with a massive $900 million in damages in what will go down in history as the biggest sexual assault verdict in US history.

This is not the first time that the heir to the Coca-Cola bottling fortune has been the subject of harassment allegations in the past few years.

According to the plaintiff’s attorney, a Los Angeles jury has awarded a woman, only identified as Jane Doe in the lawsuit against David. The damages were awarded to the victim as damages for sexual assault and harassment spanning from 2016 to 2019.

The plaintiff accused Alki David of sexual harassment, including rape, over three years when she was employed at David’s company.

The plaintiff’s attorney, Gary Dordick, told the Los Angeles Times, “It’s so despicable, the facts of this case. He raped my client while on trial in another case.”

It is not the first case in which David has been fined for sexual misconduct, but it does add one more to a series of legal defeats for David. He had to pay approximately $70 million in damages against him and his businesses after he was charged and lost multiple sexual misconduct cases.

Among the myriad businesses in which the Coca-Cola heir operates is a hologram industry, which creates holograms of deceased personalities, including Tupac and Michael Jackson. The victim of David’s sexual misconduct was employed as a model in this company, which was named Hologram USA.

The victim in her lawsuit alleged that David’s inappropriate behavior began as soon as she was employed. The lawsuit alleged that David tried to kiss another woman employee and also attempted to kiss her during a business trip. When she resisted his actions, David tendered an apology.

After a layoff, the woman was again offered a position in David’s cannabis company, Swiss-X. David allegedly assaulted the victim under the guise of sampling a CBD product.

The lawsuit alleges continuous sexual abuse, which culminated in a rape under the guise of a business meeting.

On his part, Coca-Cola bottling heir Alki David has derided the reports in the media about a $900 million sexual assault judgment imposed against him this week in California state court. David also added that none of the plaintiffs would receive a single penny of what was due to him.

He said, “These people haven’t received a penny and never will. Over my dead fucking body.”

In a post on X, according to David, it is fake news that was first reported by TMZ and then picked up by other news sites. He further said that TMZ is owned by Fox Corporation, which the billionaire called his nemesis. There is no such order by any court, and the award was only proposed by the lawyer of the plaintiff.

Dustin Moaven, an attorney for the most recent plaintiff, has contended that getting the money will be difficult. However, he added that the real purpose of the lawsuit has been achieved. It is a significant victory for justice for the victims.

Also Read: Apple Slapped With A Class Action Lawsuit Which Accuses It Of Paying Women Employees Less Than Their Male Counterparts

Manoj Nair

Manoj Nair: With a decade of news writing across various media platforms, Manoj is a seasoned professional. His dual role as an English teacher underscores his command over communication. He adeptly covers Politics, Technology, Crypto, and more, reflecting a broad and insightful perspective that engages and informs diverse audiences.

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