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A $10 a Day Goal and a Seven-Figure Year: Scott Bartnick Recovers to End Up on Top

Scott Bartnick

Public relations expert and e-commerce guru Scott Bartnick is having a hell of a year. Like most of us, the threats and destruction to businesses because of the fallout from COVID-19 are more than any economy can bear, and entrepreneurs know this storm more than most. So what is a consultant and entrepreneur marketing solely to outdoor festivals to do in a world where no one is allowed to party? For Scott, having previously worked at a top engineering firm, this was more of an engineering problem than anything.

While building his e-commerce brand, Scott traveled the world, working from hostels and stay-overs, leading a team that kept operations going 24 hours-a-day. When it came to products that didn’t deliver, Bartnick moved on to other ventures, and used what he learned to weather one storm while building sunnier sides. His talent for e-commerce led to navigating the world of Amazon, which he now offers as a service for startups as well as seasoned professionals. And when it came to marketing a product that a pandemic would stifle as well as almost bankrupt him, Scott quickly shifted gears to build a PR firm, Otter PR, that would then grow at a rate even he couldn’t have predicted. 

“It’s been a crazy year where I’ve had major failures and successes, but it’s been more than a roller coaster–roller coasters don’t hit rock bottom,” says Scott of 2021.

A good deal of his adventures in business comes from his approach to traveling, “I never book round-trip tickets, I always travel one-way.” This is how he traveled through more than half the Asian world in a year, all built on a $10-a-day e-commerce goal that he met so he could travel in the first place. This kind of thinking and philosophy has set Scott up for success in that his businesses aren’t “round trip”–they’re open to new flights and destinations, like Otter PR and The Five Day Startup, which offer close mentoring to their clients and complete access 24/7. Both companies have been built on Bartnick’s playbook, which covers his past victories and losses. This is his pure approach to business services, where he offers exactly what the client needs from the position of having been there in the past few years. 

Says Bartnick, “I’ve used everything I’ve learned to really break down the process, step by step, and depending where the clients are, we take them through the whole experience, from total cost of launch to supply chain management. I want to be the resources that I wish I had then and even now.” 

This kind of personal approach to mentoring is exactly what many entrepreneurs need, and something Scott never had, which is why he offers one-on-one coaching and consulting with The Five Day Startup.

This year, Scott is headed for a seven-figure estimation, having served hundreds of clients and seen more than half a million units sold. Now he gets to grow two new businesses and take on a whole new world of close, personal mentoring and publicity. 

Scott wants to do more than just survive the year and the pandemic, which is why he’s working so hard to provide that survival to his clients. “We’re all in this together, and that’s why we’re working around the clock to hone our craft and build up new brands and services,” opines Scott as he looks at a new quarter of prospects. “This is the dream, and we’ve got the playbook for making that and all future dreams possibilities and successes.”

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